Vail Valley Market Report, July 2015

July Market Report, 2015

Eagle County tipped the $1 billion mark in sales with 1,075 transactions so far in 2015. This is up 17% compared to last year-to-date. Vail Village accounts for more than 16% of sales with 52 transactions year-to-date and has the highest dollar volume totaling $175,198,708. Beaver Creek is the second highest accounting for $111,363,703 in sales volume with 56 transactions year-to-date.
July saw 218 transactions close at over $171 million in total sales for the Vail Valley. Helping contribute to the increase in transactions were newly constructed homes that were on the rise in July accounting for $15,802,050 in sales volume. Commercial real estate also saw an increase, accounting for almost $15 million with 16 transactions. The highest-priced home sold in July was at 265 Forest Road Vail Village. This single-family residence was on the market for 547 days and was sold fully furnished.
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End -Vail Valley Luxury Broker, Malia Cox Nobrega

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